Hotel Lhasthang Nubra is equipped with many modern facilities located in beautiful scenic Nubra Valley with best budget accomodation.
Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Valley rooms provides best comfortable experience and hospitality services to the guests.
See Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Tariff. All rooms are equipped with modern amenities and facilities with affordable prices.
Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Facilities like campfire, hot and cold water, doctor on call etc.
Fascinating tourist places to visit near Hotel Lhasthang Nubra are Diskit Monastery, Hot Springs of panamik, Sand Dunes etc.
Address of Hotel Lhasthang Nubra in the Google Map and How to reach Hotel Lhasthang Nubra.
See Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Rooms, Bathroom, Restaurant etc on Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Ladakh Photos Gallery page.
Contact us For Inquiry regarding Hotel Lhasthang Nubra booking or location, Hotel Lhasthang Nubra address.
There are so many interesting activities to do in Nubra valley such as River Rafting, Shopping, Visiting Monasteries, Camel Safari, Cycling, Attend Nubra Festival etc.
Here we have provided month wise temperature information of Nubra Valley climate with details.