Check out Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Tariff from above table. We offer the best Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Rates on request, which are budget friendly. Some of the rooms have balcony so that you can enjoy beautiful Mountain View and valley. Rooms are equipped with spacious washroom and with all modern Hotel Lhasthang Nubra Facilities. Washrooms have regular supply of hot and cold water, shower and wash basin. We have free Wi-fi facility. We provide all modern amenities at a reasonable price. Our Lhasthang Hotel has ladakhi style dining hall for our guests. Each room have Flat screen TV with satellite channels and wardrobe. Also we have free parking facility. Hotel Lhasthang Nubra is one of the Best B class hotel in Nubra Valley. Hotel Lhasthang Nubra rooms are well equipped with modern facilities with clean attached bathrooms and have all essential aminities in room. We have medical facilities like doctor on call service.